Cultural Morphology

As a digital transformation specialist, it’s amazing what you get to study over the course of your day job. One topic crops up time and again as we work with clients, large and small, on how they deliver true Digital Transformation – that of their culture and how it needs to change in order toContinue reading “Cultural Morphology”

Influence, Persuade, Inspire

Over the last two years, the title of Digital Transformation Specialist has become more and more prevalent. There are now C-Suite roles that encompass this activity and the impetus for Digital Transformation is increasing day by day. Despite the noise and the chatter, there is still a real hiatus in successful projects being declaimed fromContinue reading “Influence, Persuade, Inspire”

Are Your People Ready for the Journey

  In this muse, I am going to discuss the importance of people and the overarchingly critical nature of their support, involvement and energy. This segues neatly into the need to build collaborative working models that promote cross-department and cross-silo working. This is not new. This is not even a revelation. From a time inContinue reading “Are Your People Ready for the Journey”